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Unit01_ About the Character : Eve

작성자 사진: seobin051013seobin051013

최종 수정일: 2024년 11월 16일

The character I have designed has normally young women's appearance, but she sometimes turns into a White Tiger when she gets extremely anger. She has silvery white hairs and turquoise color eyes. She is living in the west area of the world beyond with the role of management for the list of the died.

Normally, her length in human would be 169 cm (=5.8 feet) but when she turns into a White Tiger would be about 350 kg and 3.7 m(=145.7 inch) that is much heavier an bigger than any other tigers. Also, the tiger has two couples of canine which is 23 cm and harder than any iron. Because she can run faster than air-plane, she could fasten the souls tried to get out of the world beyond or hell and the evil ghosts which is harmful for the human in the world.

The environment around her is always in autumn but there are many lotus around her bed and desk. The floor of there is shallow pond but only the four guardians including her never sinks down. This pond makes the evil ghosts sink down deeply and it sinks into the pond. But anyone knows how it deeps, even her.

  Her personality's keyword are Honesty and Kindness, to be specific, she tries to be fair on everything and has drive and determination but it occurs the conflicts with others. And she has curiosity on the things she never experienced. However, she has consideration for others including the lost souls. It makes her being trusted guardian for other guardians and the souls.

  Before she born as one of the four guardians of the world beyond, she was a human but she doesn't remember how she was. So, she really wants to know her previous life on this world. However, she needs to find out her previous name on the list of the dead, she knows nothing even that name.

After I made these details of the character as following these methods above, I thought I could have genuine affection to my character because I didn't consider about her backgrounds just like personality and growth. However, thinking and writing down about almost everything of her made me immerse myself to my character. Also, I believe this attitude for making a character is significant for me as director. Although I should finish this unit with having design of character, I would have work of modeling for her space if it possible.


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